[1] And for that intent he wrote vnto pope Alexan|der, desiring him by his authoritie to adiudge all Englishmen, being fled to sanctuarie for the offense of treason as enimies to the christian faith, interdic|ting and prohibiting the refuge and priuilege of san|ctuarie to all such, as once had enioied the libertie and protection of the same, and after that fled out, and eftsoones returned againe. Which thing after that the pope had granted, [...] restrained. turned to the great quietnesse of the king and his realme. For manie that had of|fended, for feare to fall into danger, returned to the due subiection of their prince; and other that were yet frée from perill, durst not hazard themselues so boldlie as they durst haue doone before, vpon hope of such starting holes.