[1] But all their hope was vaine, for the duke refu|sed to agree vpon anie such articles and conditions as they offered; and so without concluding anie thing with the duke, they returned backe into France; and from thence signified to the king of England by let|ters all that they knew, or had doone. But in the meane time, Edward lord Wooduile,Edward lord Wooduile a [...]|deth the duke of Britaine without the kings cõsent vncle to the quéene, sued to king Henrie that he might haue a power of men appointed to him, with the which he would steale priuilie ouer without licence or passe|port, so that euerie man should thinke that he was fled the realme, without knowledge of the king, for that no warre should arise by his meanes betwixt the realmes of France and England, and yet should the duke of Britaine be aided against the power of the Frenchmen, which sought to vanquish him, that they might ioine his countrie vnto the dominion of France: which in no wise ought to be suffered, consi|dering what annoiance & hurt the same might bring to the realme of England in time to come.