[1] [2] The Almains lept ouer the ditch with their mo|rice pikes. The Englishmen in the fore-front waded the ditch, and were holpen vp by the Almains, and set on their enimies, and tooke manie prisoners. The o|ther Englishmen hasted by the causie to enter in at the north gate of the campe,The lord Morlie slaineî€ where the lord Morleie being on horssebacke in a rich coate, was slaine with a gun. When his death was knowen, euerie man kil|led his prisoner, and slue all such as did withstand them, to the number of eight thousand men;The number of the slaine [...] both parts. in so much that of two thousand that came out of Bruges (as the Flemish chronicle reporteth) there came not home one hundred. On the English part was slaine the lord Morleie, and not an hundred more.