[1] [2] Sir Humfreie Stafford also, hearing what had happened to the lord Louell,Sir [...] Stafford [...]a|ken out of Colnham sanctuarie, and execut [...]. in great displeasure and sorrowe, and for feare left his enterprise, and in like manner fled, and tooke sanctuarie at Colnham, a vil|lage not past two miles from Abindon. But bicause that sanctuarie was not a sufficient defense (as was prooued before the iustices of the kings Bench) for traitours, he was taken from that place, & brought to the Tower, & after put to execution at Tiborne: but his brother Thomas that was with him, was pardoned, bicause he was thought not to haue at|tempted anie thing of himselfe otherwise than by the euill counsell and persuasion of his elder brother. Af|ter that the king had quieted all these commotions and tumults, Anno Reg. [...]. and reformed the rude and brabling peo|ple of the North parts, he returned to London.