[1] [2] [3] [4] While these things were adooing in England, Anno Reg. [...]. the king of Scots being aduertised of the whole matter and rebellion of the Cornishmen,The Scots inuade the English bor|ders. thought not to let passe that occasion: and therefore he eftsoones inua|ded the frontiers of England, wasting the countrie, burning townes, and murthering the people, spare|ing neither place nor person: and while his light hors|men were riding to forraie and destroie the bishop|rike of Durham, and there burned all about, he with an other part of his armie did besiege the castell of Norham. The bishop of Durham Richard Fox, be|ing owner of that castell,Fox bishop [...] Durham ow|ner of Nor|ham castell. had well furnished it both with men and munitions aforehand, doubting least that would follow which came now to passe. The bi|shop, after that the Scots made this inuasion, aduer|tised the king (as then being at London) of all things that chanced in the North parts; and sent in all post hast to the earle of Surrie, to come to the rescue. The [...]arle being then in Yorkeshire, and hauing ga|thered an armie, vpon knowledge giuen to him from the bishop, with all diligence marched forward, and after him followed other noble men out of all the quarters of the North, euerie of them bringing as manie men as they could gather, for defense of their countrie.