[1] [2] [3] Anno Reg. 14.In this yeare the warre had like to haue béene reuiued betwixt the realmes of England and Scot|land by a small occasion,England and Scotland lik|lie to go togi|ther by the eares a [...]resh. as thus. Certeine yongmen of the Scots came arriued before Norham castell, & beheld it woonderous circumspectlie, as though they would faine haue béene of counsell to know what was doone the rein. The kéepers not perceiuing anie damage attempted against them for the first time, determined not to mooue anie question to them, or once to stirre out. But when they came againe the next day, and viewed it likewise, the kéepers of the castell suspecting some euill meaning, demanded of them what their intent was, and why they viewed and aduised so the castell. The Scots answered them roughlie with disdainfull words, so that the English|men fell to and replied with strokes; and after manie blowes giuen and receiued, diuerse Scots were wounded, and some slaine; and the residue ouermat|ched with multitude of the Englishmen, fled as fast as their horsses could carie them.