[1] [2] [3] Lambert was at length made one of the kings falconers, after that he had béene a turnebroch for a space in the kings kitchen. This battell was fought on a saturdaie being the sixtéenth daie of Iune, in this second yeere of his reigne. In this yéere died Thomas Bourchier archbishop of Canturburie: and Iohn Morton bishop of Elie,Morton bi|shop of Elie made archbi|shop of Can|turburie and chancellor of England. a man of excellent lear|ning, vertue and policie, succeeded in his place, whom Alexander pope of Rome, the sixt of that name, crea|ted a cardinall, and the king created him also chan|cellor of England. Of which pope (hauing so conue|nient a place to speake) it were a fault to omit the ambition, accompanied with other disorders vnbesée|ming a successor of Peter (but neither personallie nor locallie) as all the brood of them brag of them|selues, & will be intituled with a primasie, vsurped.