[1] King Henrie sore troubled in his mind therwith, determining no more with peaceable messages, but with open warre to determine all controuersies be|twixt him and the French king, called his high court of parlement,A parlement wherin king Henrie ope|neth the iust cause of ma|king warres against France. and there declared the cause why hée was iustlie prouoked to make warre against the Frenchmen: and therefore desired them of their be|neuolent aid of men and monie toward the mainte|nance therof. The cause was so iust, that euerie man allowed it; and to the setting foorth of the war taken in hand for so necessarie an occasion, euerie man pro|mised his helping hand. The king commended them for their true and faithfull hearts. And to the intent that he might spare the poorer sort of the common [...] (whome he euer desired to kéepe in fauor) he thought good first to exact monie of the richest sort by waie of a beneuolence.