[1] [2] But when the mariage betwixt the prince & the ladie Katharine of Spaine was kept at London, this erle either for that he had passed his compasse in excessiue charges and sumptuousnesse at that great triumph and solemnitie, and by reason thereof was farre run into debt; either else through the procurement of his aunt the foresaid ladie Margaret; or pricked with some priuie enuie, which could not patientlie with o|pen eies behold king Henrie (being of the aduerse faction to his linage) so long to reigne in wealth and felicitie:The discon|tented mind of the earle of Suffolke. in conclusion with his brother Richard fled againe into Flanders. This departure of the earle sore vexed the king, doubting of some new trouble to insue thereof.