[1] [2] This answer (though it was more than reasona|ble) could not pacifie the king of Scots,The bishop of Durham as|swageth the kings displea|sure by leters. till the bi|shop of Durham (that was owner of the castell of Norham) who sore lamented, that by such as he ap|pointed kéepers there, the warre should be renewed) with sundrie letters written to the Scotish king, at length asswaged his displeasure, so that the said king wrote courteouslie to the bishop againe, signifieng that bicause he had manie secret things in his mind, which he would communicate onelie with him tou|ching this matter now in variance; therefore he re|quired him to take the paine to come into his coun|trie, trusting that he should thinke his labor well be|stowed. The bishop was glad, and sent word hereof to the king his master, who willed him to accomplish the desire of the Scotish king, which he tooke to bee reasonable.