[1] [2] The king re|quested a prest of six thousand markes.The king standing in néed of monie to discharge such debts, and to mainteine such port as was be|houefull, sent the lord treasuror with maister Regi|nald Braie, and others, vnto the lord maior of Lon|don, requiring of the citie a prest of six thousand marks. Wherevpon the said lord maior and his bre|thren, with the commons of the citie, granted a prest of two thousand pounds, which was leuied of the companies, and not of the wards: and in the yeare next insuing, it was well and trulie againe repaid e|uerie penie, to the good contentation and satisfieng of them that disbursed it. The king considering that the suertie of his roiall estate and defense of the realme consisted chéefelie in good lawes and ordinances to be had and obserued among his people,A parlement summoned & new lawes for the com|monwealth enacted. summoned eft|soones his high court of parlement, therein to deuise and establish some profitable acts and statutes, for the wealth and commoditie of his people.