Snippet: 82 of 268 (1587, Volume 6, p. 771)
[2] Which kind of leuieng
monie was first deuised by king Edward the fourth,
Who first de| [...]ed the exacti|on of monie called a bene|uolence.
Sée pag. 694.
as it appeareth before in his historie. King Henrie following the
like example, published abroad, that by their open gifts he would measure
and search their beneuolent hearts and good minds toward him, so that he
that gaue most, should be iudged to be his most louing fréend; and he that
gaue little, to be esteemed according to his gift. By this it appeareth,
that whatsoeuer is practised for the [page 772] princes profit, and
brought to a president by matter of record, maie be turned to the great
preiudice of the people, if rulers in authoritie will so adiudge and
determine it. But by this means king Henrie got innumerable great summes of
monie, with some grudge of the people, for the extremitie shewed by the
commissioners in diuers places.