[1] [2] Now they concluded, that if their dooings had suc|cesse, then the foresaid Lambert (misnamed the earle of Warwike) should by consent of the councell be deposed, and Edward the true earle of Warwike deliuered out of prison and annointed king. King Henrie supposing that no man would haue béene so mad as to haue attempted anie further enterprise in the name of that new found & counterfeit earle, he onelie studied how to subdue the seditious conspira|cie of the Irishmen.The earle of Lincolnes flight into Flanders doubted of king Henrie. But hearing that the earle of Lincolne was fled into Flanders, he was somwhat mooued therewith, and caused soldiors to be put in a readinesse out of euerie part of his realme, and to bring them into one place assigned, that when his ad|uersaries should appeare, he might suddenlie set vp|on them, vanquish and ouercome them.