[1] [2] But the chiefest point of Urswikes errand consi|sted in this,King Henries off [...]r to make an attonement betwixt the French king and the duke. that he should intimate to the French king, how his maister king Henrie offered himselfe as a mediator betwixt him and the duke of Britaine, to make them friends: and if he perceiued that the French king gaue eare herevnto, then should he go into Britaine, to mooue the duke there to be conten|ted, that some reasonable order might be taken for a quietnesse to be had betwixt the French king and him. Whilest Urswike was trauelling in this mat|ter (according to his commission) the king came backe againe to London,Christopher Urswike. where he was receiued of the citizens with great ioy and triumph, they being heartilie glad and greatlie reioising that he with such good successe had subdued his enimies.