[1] [2] About this time died thrée bishops in England, Iohn Morton archbishop of Canturburie,Thrée bish [...] dead in one yeare. Thomas Langton bishop of Winchester, and Thomas Rothe|ram archbishop of Yorke. After him succéeded Tho|mas Sauage bishop of London, a man of great ho|nour and worthinesse: in whose place succéeded Wil|liam Warham, of whome before is made mention. And Henrie Deane bishop of Salisburie, was made archbishop of Canturburie, and Richard For was remooued from Durham to the sée of Winchester. Also this yeare two notable mariages were conclu|ded, but not consummate till afterwards,Two notab [...]e mariages. as you shall heare in place conuenient. For king Henrie granted his daughter ladie Margaret to Iames the fourth king of Scots. Katharine daughter to Ferdinando K. of Spaine affi [...]d to Ar|thur prince of Wales. And Ferdinando king of Spaine gaue his daughter ladie Katharine to Ar|thur prince of Wales, sonne and heire apparant to the king of England.