[1] [2] Anno Reg. 16.Soone after, when the death was slaked, the king returned againe into England about the end of Iune. Shortlie after there came to him one Gasper Pons a Spaniard, a man of excellent learning and most ciuill behauiour, sent from Alexander the bishop of Rome to distribute the heauenlie grace (as he ter|med it) to all such as (letted by anie forceable impedi|ment) could not come to Rome that yeare to the Iu|bile,A yeare of Iubile. which was there celebrate, being the yeare after the birth of our Sauiour, 1500. This beneuolent li|beralitie was not altogither fréeli [...] giuen. For Alex|ander looking to the health of mens soulesPope Alexan|der maketh profit of his great pardon or heauenlie grace, as he termeth it. thought to doo somewhat for his owne priuat commoditie, & therefore he set a certeine price of that his grace and pardon. And to the end that the king should not hin|der his purpose, he offered part of his gaines to the king.