[1] Yée haue heard, how there was in the last parle|ment monie granted for the furnishing foorth of the armie into Britaine; that is to wit, it was agréed, Anno Reg. 4. that euerie man should be taxed after the rate of his substance, to paie the tenth penie of his goods. Which monie the most part of them that dwelled in the bi|shoprike of Durham, and in the parties of Yorke|shire refused vtterlie to paie: either for that they thought themselues ouercharged with the same; or were procured to shew themselues disobedient, tho|rough the euill counsell of some seditious persons, which conspired against the king, to put him to new trouble. Therefore such as were appointed collectors,The collec|tors of the subsidie com|plaine to the earle of Nor|thumberland that they can|not get in the tax monie. after that they could not get the monie, according to their extract deliuered to them by the commissio|ners, they made their complaint priuilie to Henrie the fourth earle of Northumberland, chiefe ruler of the North parts.