[1] And for that he was a man of excellent learning, vertue, and humanitie, the archbishop of Can|turburie Iohn Morton so commended him to the king,Adrian an I|talian made bishop of He|reford, and af|ter of Bath and Welles. that he made him first bishop of Hereford, and shortlie after, that resigned and giuen ouer, he pro|moted him to the bishoprike of Bath and Welles. And after that with these honors he was returned to Rome, he was aduanced by all the degrées of spiri|tuall dignities into the college of the cardinals. And wor [...]hie sure he was of great preferment, for by his meanes, learned men were mooued to séeke out the vse of eloquent writing and speaking in the Latine toong, he being the first in the time of our fathers that taught the trade to choose and vse apt words and fit termes.