[1] [2] The earle foorthwith signified to the king all that matter, and the king not willing to pardon them of anie one penie (least the example might doo hurt by incouraging others to shew the like stubbornes in o|ther parts of the realme) cõmanded the earle either by distresse or otherwise, to leuie the monie as he should thinke most meet. The rude and beastlie people hea|ring of this answer from the king, by and by with great violence set vpon the earle by the exciting of a simple fellow named Iohn a Chamber,The earle of Northumber|land murthe|red by the northerne re|bels at the in|stigation and setting on of Iohn a Chamber. whome the erle with faire words sought to appease. But they like vnreasonable villaines, alledging all the fault to be in him, as chiefe author of the tax, furiouslie and cru|ellie murthered both him and diuerse of his houshold seruants. Diuerse affirme that the Northerne men bare against this earle continuall grudge euer since the death of king Richard, whome they entirelie fa|uoured.