[1] [2] [3] On the next daie they went toward Dixmew, and by the guiding of a prisoner, that should haue beene hanged on the next morning,The good ser|uice of a wretch that should haue béene hanged they issued out of the south gate of the towne of Dixmew, and were con|ueied by their said guide by an high banke set with willowes; so that the Gantois could not well espie them, and so secretlie gat to the end of their enimies campe, and there paused. The lord Daubeneie com|manded all men to send their horsses and wagons backe, but the lord Morleie said he would ride till he came to hand strokes. Thus they marched foorth till they came to a low banke, and no déepe ditch, where the ordinance laie; and there the archers shot altogi|ther, euerie man an arrow, and so fell prostrate to the ground.A policie. The enimies herewith discharged their ordi|nance, and ouershot them.