[1] [2] But at length the kings fore-ward being full of people, and well fortified with wings,The kings power ouer|commeth. which onelie both began and continued the fight, set vpon the ad|uersaries with such force and violence, that first they oppressed and killed such capiteins, one by one, as re|sisted their might and puissance: and after that, put all the other to flight, the which were either apprehen|ded as prisoners in their running awaie, or else [page 767] slaine and brought vnto confusion in a small mo|ment. Now when this battell was ended, and fought out to the extremitie, then it well appeared, what high prowesse, what manfull stomachs, what hardie and couragious hearts rested in the kings aduersaries. For there the cheefe capteins, the earle of Lincolne, and the lord Louell,All the cap|tein [...] of the aduerse part against the king slaine. sir Thomas Broughton, Mar|tine Sward, and the lord Gerardine capteine of the Irishmen were slaine, and found dead in the verie places which they had chosen aliue to fight in, not gi|uing one foot of ground to their aduersaries.