[1] [2] 1491.Ye haue heard before, how the lord of Rauenstein, by the aid of Bruges & Gant, had taken the towne and two castels of Sluis, which he kept against his souereigne lord Maximilian, and getting into the ha|uen certeine ships and barks, robbed, spoiled, & tooke prisoners the ships and vessels of all nations that passed alongest by that coast, towards the mart at Antwerpe, or into anie part of Brabant, Zeland, or Friseland, and was euer sufficientlie vittelled out of France and Picardie. There was a little towne also two miles from Bruges towards the sea, called Dam, which was a bulworke to Bruges, and an hed|spring to Sluis. The king of Romans had attemp|ted the wining of this towne diuers times, but mis|sed his purpose;Albert the duke of Sax|onies policie to get the towne of Dam. till at length Albert duke of Saxo|nie, a great fréend to the king of Romans, by policie found meanes to get it.