[1] [2] Which yearelie tribute the French king (after|wards continuallie occupied in the wars of Italie) yearelie satisfied & paid so long as K. Henrie liued, who after he had taried a conuenient space at Calis, tooke the sea, and arriued at Douer, and so came to his manour of Gréenewich. Immediatlie after his returne thus into England, he elected into the fel|lowship of saint George, commonlie called the order of the garter, Alphonse duke of Calabre, sonne and heire to Ferdinando king of Naples. Christopher Urswike the kings almoner was sent to him vnto Naples with the garter, collar, mantell,Alphõse duke of Calabre made knight of the garter. and other habilments apperteining to the companions of that noble order. The which was reuerentlie receiued of the said duke, who in a solemne presence reuested himselfe with that habit, supposing by the counte|nance of that apparell to be able to resist his aduersa|rie the French king, sith he was now made a fréend and companion in order with the king of England: but that little auailed him, as after it was right ap|parant. [And here, bicause in sundrie actions we haue séene and obserued the French kings subtilties, his inconstancie, lacke of truth, honestie, and kinglie modestie; we maie be bold to set downe the descrip|tion of his person, as we sind the same readie drawne to hand; that by a view thereof we maie conclude that his properties were proportioned to his person.