[1] The readie wit of Per|kin to learne all that made for his prefer|ment to honor.Besides that, she with such diligence instructed him both in the secrets and common affaires of the realme of England, and of the linage, descent and order of the house of Yorke, that like a good scholer, not forgetting his lesson, he could tell all that was taught him promptlie without anie stackering or staie in his words. And besides that, he kept such a princelie countenance, and so counterfeit a maiestie roiall, that all men in manner did firmelie beléeue, that he was extracted of the noble house and familie of the dukes of Yorke. For suerlie, it was a gift giuen to that noble progenie, as of nature planted in the root,The emulatiõ of the dukes of Yorke. that all the sequels of that line and stocke did studie and deuise how to be equiualent in ho|nour and fame with their forefathers and noble pre|decessors.