[1] [2] In this place all the armie had knowledge by the ambassadours (which were newlie returned out of Flanders) that Maximilian could not set foorth anie armie, for lacke of monie:Maximilian king of Ro|mans brea|keth [...] with king Henrie in i [...]ning with [...] to inuade France. and therefore there was no succour to be looked for at his hand. But the Eng|lishmen were nothing dismaid therewith, as they that iudged themselues able enough to match the Frenchmen without the helpe of anie other nation. In the meane season, although the French king had an armie togither, both for number and furniture able to trie in battell with the Englishmen: yet he made semblance as though he desired nothing more than peaceThe dis [...]|lation of the French king as the thing much more profitable to him than warre: considering the minds of the Britains were not yet wholie setled.