[1] Amongst these, the chéefe leaders were, Rafe earle of Westmerland, Thomas lord Dacres,What lords & knights with their compa|nies went to the rescued of the castel a+gainst the Scots. Rafe lord Neuill, George lord Strange, Richard lord Lati|mer, George lord Lumleie, Iohn lord Scroope, Hen|rie lord Clifford, George lord Ogle, William lord Coniers, Thomas lord Darcie. Of knights, Thomas baron of Hilton sir William Persie, sir William Bulmer, sir William Gascoigne, sir Rafe Bigod, sir [page 783] Rafe Bowes, sir Thomas a Parre, sir Rafe Ellec|ker, sir Iohn Constable, sir Iohn Ratcliffe, sir Iohn Sauill, sir Thomas Strangweis, and a great num|ber of other knights and esquiers besides. The whole armie was little lesse than twentie thousand men, beside the nauie, whereof the lord Brooke was ad|merall.