[1] Amongst these, the chéefe leaders were, Rafe earle of Westmerland, Thomas lord Dacres,What lords & knights with their compa|nies went to the rescued of the castel a+gainst the Scots. Rafe lord Neuill, George lord Strange, Richard lord Lati|mer, George lord Lumleie, Iohn lord Scroope, Hen|rie lord Clifford, George lord Ogle, William lord Coniers, Thomas lord Darcie. Of knights, Thomas baron of Hilton sir William Persie, sir William Bulmer, sir William Gascoigne, sir Rafe Bigod, sir [page 783] Rafe Bowes, sir Thomas a Parre, sir Rafe Ellec|ker, sir Iohn Constable, sir Iohn Ratcliffe, sir Iohn Sauill, sir Thomas Strangweis, and a great num|ber of other knights and esquiers besides. The whole armie was little lesse than twentie thousand men, beside the nauie, whereof the lord Brooke was ad|merall.