[1] After that the ambassadors were returned with this answer, Anno Reg. 9. Espials sent into Flanders from the king for a subtill policie. the king streight sent foorth certeine espi|als into Flanders, which should feigne themselues to haue fled to the duke of Yorke; and thereby search out the whole intent of the conspiracie, and after what sort they meant to proceed in the same. Others were sent also to intise sir Robert Clifford and Wil|liam Barleie, to returne into England, promising to them pardon of all their offenses, and high rewards, for obeieng the kings request. They that were sent, did so earnestlie and prudentlie applie their businesse, that they brought all things to passe at their owne de|sires. For first they learned who were the chéefe con|spirators, and after persuaded sir Robert Clifford to giue ouer that enterprise, which had no grounded staie to rest vpon. Albeit William Barleie at the first would not leaue off, but continued his begun attempt; till after two yeares, he repenting him of his follie, & hauing pardon granted him of the king, returned home into his natiue countrie.