[1] [2] The Scotish king hereof aduertised, was highlie displeased, and in all hast signified to king Henrie by his herald Marchemont, in what sort his people (to the breach of the truce) were abused and handled. King Henrie being not in will to breake with anie of his neighbours, excused the matter, affirming that he was not of knowledge to the misdemeanor of those that had the castell in kéeping; requiring the king of Scots not to thinke the truce broken for a|nie thing doone without his consent; promising in the word of a king to inquire of the truth, and if the of|fense were found to be begun on the partie of the kéepers of the castell, he assured him that they should for no meed nor fauour escape due correction and pu|nishment.