[1] About this same time Lewes the French king, the twelfe of that name (who succéeded Charles the eighth that died at Amboise the night before the eighth daie of Aprill, of a catarrhe, Abr. Fl. ex Guic. pag. 18 [...]. which the physi|cians call an apoplexie, the same rising in him with such aboundance, as he beheld a match plaied at tennisse, that in few houres he ended at the same place his life: during the which, he had with grea|ter importunitie than vertue troubled the whole world with great apparance of danger to kindle eft|soones new fiers of innouation and troubles) maried his eldest daughter named Clare, vnto Francis de Ualois Dolphin of Uienne, and duke of Angolesme, which ladie was promised vnto Charles the king of Castile: wherevpon by ambassadors sent to and fro betwixt king Henrie and the said king of Castile, a mariage was concluded betwixt the said king of Castile, and the ladie Marie, daughter to king Hen|rie, being about the age of ten yeares. For conclusi|on of which mariage, the lord of Barow, & other am|bassadors were sent into England from the emperor Maximilian which with great rewards returned.