[1] For suddenlie a deadlie burning sweat so assai|led their bodies,The swea|ting sicke|nesse. and distempered their bloud with a most ardent heat, that scarse one amongst an hun|dred that sickened did escape with life: for all in ma|ner as soone as the sweat tooke them, or within a short time after, yƩelded the ghost. Beside the great number which deceassed within the citie of London, two maiors successiuelie died within eight daies and sir aldermen. At length, by the diligent obseruation of those that escaped (which marking what things had [page 764] doone them good, and holpen to their deliuerance, vsed the like againe. When they fell into the same disease, the second or third time, as to diuerse it chanced, a remedie was found for that mortall maladie, which was this.A remedie for the sweating sickenesse. If a man on the day time were taken with the sweat, then should he streight lie downe with all his clothes and garments, and continue in his sweat foure and twentie houres, after so moderate a sort as might be.