[1] Their message was for thrée causes, one to com|fort the king in his time of heauinesse for the losse of his wife. The second for the renewing of amitie, and the old league. The third (which was not apparant) w [...]s to mooue the king to marie the emperours daughter, [...]he ladie Margaret, duchesse Dowager of Sauoie. The two first tooke effect: for the king vpon Passion sundaie road to Paules in great triumph, the said marquesse riding on his left hand. And there the bishop made to the king an excellent consolatorie oration concerning the death of the quéene. And there also the king openlie sware to kéepe the new reui|ued league and amitie during their two liues. But the third request (whether the let was on the mans side, or on the womans) neuer sorted to anie con|clusion.