[1] The earle héerevpon laid his ordinance to the ca|stell, and continuallie beat it, from two of the clocke till fiue at night, in such wise, that they within rende|red vp the place, their liues onelie saued. The earle caused his minors to rase & ouerthrow the fortresse to the plaine ground. The Scotish king was within a mile of the siege, and both knew it, and saw the smoke, but would not set one foot forward to the res|cue. While the erle laie at Haiton, the king of Scots sent to him Machemont, and an other herald, desi|ring him at his election, either to fight with whole puissance against puissance, or else they two to fight person to person; requiring that if the victorie fell to the Scotish king, that then the earle should deliuer for his ransome, the towne of Berwike, with the fishgarths of the same.