[1] In this season, the emperour Frederike made warre against the Flemings, namelie against Bru|ges and certeine townes of Flanders,A rebellion in Flanders. which had re|belled against his sonne Maximilian king of Ro|mans, their liege and souereigne lord; in so much that they of Bruges had not onelie slaine his officers but imprisoned him within their towne,Maximilian king of Ro|mans impri|soned at Bru|ges by the townesmen. till they had caused him to pardon all their offenses, and also to sweare neuer to remember, nor reuenge the same in time to come. But his father Frederike the empe|rour could not suffer such a reproch & dishonour doone to his sonne (whose fame & princelie estate as he ten|dered and had in gelosie; so was it his hart gréefe and immoderat vexation that he should be abused of o|pen contemners, in such villanous sort as tended highlie to the indignitie of his person, and the aggra|uating of their offense and punishment) to passe vn|reuenged, & therefore scourged the countrie of Flan|ders with sharpe and cruell warre.