[1] [2] [3] At the kings approching to the towne of Taun|ton, he sent before him Robert lord Brooke lord ste|ward of his house, Giles lord Daubeneie his chiefe cham [...]erleine, and sir Rice ap Thomas. But as soone as Perkin was informed that his enimies were rea|die to giue him battell, he that nothing lesse minded than to fight in open field with the kings puissance, dissembled all the daie time with his companie, as though nothing could make him afraid: and about midnight,Perkin fléeth and taketh Braudlie sanctuarie. accompanied with thrée score horssemen, he departed from Taunton in post to a sanctuarie towne beside Southampton, called Beaudlie, & there he and Iohn Heron with other registred themselues as persons priuileged. When as king Henrie knew that Perkin was thus fled, he sent after him the lord Daubeneie with fiue hundred horssemen toward the sea side, to apprehend him before he should get away. Although Perkin escaped (as I haue said) vnto sanc|tuarie, yet manie of his chiefe capteins were taken and presented to the king.