[1] Now, the cause of this his discontentment was, for that the said earle was suspected to be the meane that he had no succours sent him, and was so infor|med in déed by such as bare the earle no good will. And therefore suddenlie he caused the earle to be ap|prehended,Gerald earle of Kildare de|putie of Ire|land appre|hended. and as a prisoner brought him in his com|panie into England. Which earle being examined, and sundrie points of treason laid to him, he so auoi|ded them all, & laid the burthen in other mens necks, that he was dismissed, and sent into Ireland againe, there to be deputie and lieutenant as he was before. The king being now in some better suertie of his e|state,King Henries progresse in|to Lanca|shire. did take his progresse into Lancashire the fiue & twentith daie of Iune, there to make merrie with his moother the countesse of Derbie, which then laie at Lathome in the countrie.