[1] Of these discomfited soules were taken prisoners an hundred and fortie persons, whereof fiue,Perkins cap|teins taken & executed. Mont|fort, Corbet, White, Belt, Quintin (or otherwise Ge [...]in) being capteins were brought to London by sir Iohn Pechie, shiriffe of Kent, railed in ropes like horsses drawing in a cart, & after vpon their arreign|ment confessed their offense, and were executed, some at London,Perkin re [...]|leth into Flanders. and other in the townes adioining to the sea coast. And thus Perkin, missing of his purpose, [page 793] [...] into Flanders. In this verie season depar| [...] [...] Cicilie duchesse of Yorke moother to king [...] the fourth, at hir castell of Berkhamstéed, [...] of small stature, but of much honour and [...] parentage, and was buried by hir husband in the college of Fodringcie.