[1] About the middest of August entering into the third yere of his reigne, Anno. Reg. 3. he came to Newcastell vpon Tine, and from thence sent in ambassage into Scot|land Richard Fox,Fox bishop of Excester sent ambassador in|to Scotland. latelie before made bishop of Ex|cester, and with him Richard Edgecombe knight, controller of his house, to conclude some peace or truce with king Iames of Scotland. The English ambassadors were honorablie receiued, and louinglie interteined of the said king, who gladlie would haue concluded a perpetuall peace with the king of Eng|land, if he might haue bene licenced so to haue doone: but his people being stedfast in their old accustomed vsage, would not agrée to anie peace, but yet were contented to gratifie their king,A truce with Scotland for seuen yeares. that he should take truce with England for the tearme of seuen yeares, which was concluded.