[1] These vnrulie people the Cornishmen,A rebellion in Cornewall for the paiment of a subsidie. inhabiting in a barren countrie and vnfruitfull, at the first sore repined that they should be so greeuouslie taxed, and burdened the kings councell as the onelie cause of such polling and pilling: and so being in their rage, menaced the chéefe authors with death and present destruction. And thus being in a rose, two persons of the same affinitie, the one called Thomas Flam|mocke, a gentleman,The two cap|teins in this commotion. learned in the lawes of the realme; and the other Michaell Ioseph, a smith, men of stout stomachs and high courages, tooke vpon them to be capteins of this seditious companie. They laid the fault and cause of this exaction vnto Iohn Morton archbishop of Canturburie, and to sir Regi|nald Braie; bicause they were cheefe of the kings councell. Such rewards haue they commonlie that be in great authoritie with kings and princes.