[1] [2] Also they sent into Flanders to the ladie Mar|garet, sister to king Edward,Margaret duchesse of Burgognie sister to king Edward the fourth, hir malicious mind to Lan|caster house. & late wife to Charles duke of Burgognie, to purchase aid and helpe at hir hands. This ladie Margaret bare no small rule in the low countries, and in verie déed sore grudged in hir heart, that king Henrie (being descended of the house of Lancaster) should reigne and gouerne the realme of England: and therefore, though she well vnderstood that this was but a coloured matter; yet to worke hir malicious intention against king Hen|rie, she was glad to haue so fit an occasion: and ther|fore promised the messengers all the aid that she should be able to make in furtherance of the quarell; and also to procure all the fréends she could in other places, to be alders and partakers of the same con|spiracie.