[1] For being made priuie of this enterprise deuised by Perkin and his complices, therevnto (as all na|turall creatures loue libertie) he assented and agreed. But this craftie deuise and subtill imagination be|ing reuealed, sorted to none effect, so that Perkin and Iohn Awater sometime maior of Corke in Ireland, one of his chéefe founders, and his sonne, were on the sixtéenth daie of Nouember arreigned and condem|ned at Westminster.Perkin and Iohn Awa|ter executed at Tiburne. And on the thrée and twentith daie of the same moneth, Perkin and Iohn Awater were drawne to Tiburne, where Perkin standing on a little scaffold, read his confession (as before he had doone in Cheape side) taking it on his death to be true. And so he and Iohn Awater asked the king for|giuenesse, and died patientlie.