[1] [2] [3] Among other articles of the mariage concluded with the Scotish king this was one, that no English men should be receiued into Scotland without let|ters commendatorie of their souereigne lord, or safe conduct of his warden of the marches; and the same prohibition was in like maner giuen to the Scots. This yeare the ladie Katharine of Spaine was sent by hir father king Ferdinando with a puissant nauie of ships into England, Anno Reg 1 [...]. where she arriued in the ha|uen of Plimmouth the second daie of October then being saturdaie.The fourth [...] October as Stow hath noted. Upon the twelfe of Nouember she was conueied from Lambeth through London with all triumph and honour that might be deuised to the bishops palace, the stréets being hanged, and page|ants erected after the maner as is vsed at a corona|tion: which solemnitie Edward Hall describeth with the sumptuous shewes then glistering in the behol|ders eies.