[1] The cause of Maximilians malice against Charles of Franceî€Now was Maximilian in great chase toward the French king, not onelie for that he had refused his daughter, but also had bĂ©ereued him of his assured wife the said ladie Anne, contrarie to all right and conscience. Wherefore he sent vnto king Henrie, de|siring him with all speed to passe the seas with his ar|mie, that they might pursue the warre against their aduersarie, with fire, sword and bloud. King Henrie hearing this, and hauing no mistrust in the promise of Maximilian, with all speed leuied an armie, and rigged his nauie of ships. And when all things were readie, he sent his almon [...]r Christopher Urswike, and sir Iohn Riseleie knight vnto Maximilian, to certifie him, that the king was in a readinesse, and would arriue at Calis, as soone as he should be ad|uertised that Maximilian and his men were readie to ioine with him.