[1] Of learned men that liued in this kings daies (as maister Bale noteth them) these are recorded. First George Rippeleie a Carmelite frier at Boston, seene in the mathematikes, he wrote diuerse treatises, and after his decease was accounted a nekroman|cer; Iohn Erghom borne in Yorke, a blacke [...]rier, [page 798] a doctor of diuinitie professed in Oxford, studious of prophesies, as by the title of the works which he wrote it may appeare; Iohn Persiuall a Chartreux monke; Thomas Maillorie a Welshman borne, he wrote (I wote not what) of king Arthur, and of the round ta|ble; Iohn Rousse borne in Warwikeshire, a diligent searcher of antiquities, whervpon few libraries were any where to be seene in England and Wales, where he made not search for the same, and wrote sundrie treatises of historicall arguments. He deceassed at Warwike the fourtéenth of Ianuarie in the yeare 1491, and was buried in our ladie church there.