[1] [2] [3] King Henrie aduertised of all these dooings, was greatlie vexed therewith: and therefore to haue good aduise in the matter, he called togither his councell at the Charterhouse beside his manor of Richmond, and there consulted with them, by which means best this begun conspiracie might be appeased and disap|pointed without more disturbance.A generall pardon excep|ting no offẽse. It was therefore determined, that a generall pardon should be publi|shed to all offendors that were content to receiue the same. This pardon was so fréelie granted, that no of|fense was excepted, no not so much as high treason committed against the kings roiall person. It was further agréed in the same councell for the time then present,Order taken that the yoong earle of War|wike should be shewed abroad. that the earle of Warwike should personal|lie be shewed abroad in the citie, and other publike places: whereby the vntrue report falselie spred a|broad, that he should be in Ireland, might be among the communaltie prooued and knowne for a vaine imagined lie.