[1] [2] [3] But bicause the matter required quicke expediti|on,The duke [...] Bedford a|gainst the lord Louell in armes. he appointed the duke of Bedford with three thou|sand men not altogither the best armed (for their brest plates for the most part were of tanned leather) to march foorth against the lord Louell, and to set vpon him without anie lingering of time. The duke ha|sting forward, approched to the campe of his enimies, & before he would assaile them, he caused the heralds to make proclamation, that all those that would de|part from their armour, and submit themselues as subiects vnto their naturall prince and souereigne lord, should be pardoned of all former offenses. The lord Louell vpon this proclamation, either putting mistrust in his souldiers, or fearing himselfe in his owne behalfe, fled priuilie in a night from his com|panie, and left them as a flocke of shéepe without a shéepeheard.