[1] K. Henrie after the returne of his ambassadors out of Scotland,King Henrie returneth out of the north countrie. came from Newcastell to Yorke, and so toward London, and in the way being at Lei|cester, there came to him ambassadors from Charles the French king, which declared both the recouerie of certeine townes out of the hands of Maximilian king of Romans, which he had wrongfullie detei|ned from the crowne of France before that time; and also that their maister king Charles had now wars in hand against Francis duke of Britaine,The French kings request for aid against Frãcis duke of Britaine. bicause that he succoured and mainteined diuers noble men, as the duke of Orleance and others, that were rebels and traitors, against him and the realme of France. Wherefore his request was, that for the old familia|ritie that had bene betwixt them, he would either as|sist and helpe him, or else stand neuter betwixt them, neither helping nor yet hurting the one nor the other.