[1] Iames Twi|chet lord Au|delie chéefe capteine of the Cornish rebels.In the meane time, Iames Twichet lord Aude|leie being confederate with the rebels of Cornewall ioined with them, being come to Welles, and tooke vpon him as their chéefe capteine to lead them a|gainst their naturall lord and king. From Welles they went to Salisburie, and from thence to Win|chester, and so to Kent, where they hoped to haue had great aid, but they were deceiued in that their expec|tation. For the erle of Kent, George lord of Aburga|uenie, Iohn Brooke, lord Cobham, sir Edward Poi|nings, sir Richard Gilford, sir Thomas Bourchier, Iohn Peche, William Scot, and a great number of of people, were not onelie prest and readie to defend the countrie, to kéepe the people in due obedience, but bent to fight with such as would lift vp sword, or other weapon against their souereigne lord: inso|much that the Kentishmen would not once come neere the Cornishmen, to aid or assist them in anie maner of wise.