[1] [2] When Perkin saw that he could not win the citie of Excester, sith he sawe it was so well fortified both with men and munitions, he departed from thence, and went vnto Taunton, and there the twentith day of September he mustered his men; as though he were readie to giue battell: but perceiuing his num|ber to be minished, by the secret withdrawing of sun|drie companies from him, he began to put mistrust in all the remnant. In déed when the people that fol|lowed him, in hope that no small number of the nobi|litie would ioine with him, saw no such matter come to passe, they stale awaie from him by secret compa|nies. When the king heard that he was gone to Taunton, he followed after him with all spéed. And by the way there came to him Edward duke of Buc|kingham,Edward the yoong duke of Buckingham and his com|pan [...]e ioine with the king. a yoong prince of great towardnesse; and him followed a great companie of noble men, knights and esquiers, as sir Alexander Bainam, sir Maurice Barkleie, sir Robert Tame, sir Iohn Guise, sir Robert Pointz, sir Henrie Uernon, sir Iohn Mortimer, sir Thomas Tremaile, sir Edward Sutton, sir Amise Paulet, sir Iohn Birkne [...]ll, sir Iohn Sapeotes, sir Hugh Lutterell, sir Francis Cheineie, and diuerse other.