[1] [2] In this eightéenth yeare, the twentie fourth daie of Ianuarie, Anno Reg. 1 [...] 1503 a quarter of an houre afore three of the clocke at after noone of the same daie, the first stone of our ladie chapell within the monasterie of West|minster was laid,King Henrie the seauenth [...] chapell at Westminster first builded. by the hands of Iohn Islip abbat of the same monasterie, sir Reginald Braie knight of the garter, doctor Barnes maister of the rolles, doctor Wall chapleine to the kings maiestie, mai|ster Hugh Oldham chapleine to the countesse of Darbie and Richmond the kings mother, sir Ed|ward Stanhope knight, and diuerse others. Upon the same stone was this scripture ingrauen: Illustris|simus Henricus septimus rex Angliae & Franciae, & domi|nus Hiberniae, posuit hanc petram in honore beatae virginis Mariae, 24. die Ianuarij; anno Domini 1502. Et anno dicti regis Henrici septimi, decimo octauo. The charges whereof amounted (as some report, vpon credible informati|on as they saie) to fouretéene thousand pounds.