[1] The French king aduertised hereof, then being in displeasure with king Henrie, sent into Ireland for Perkin, to the intent to send him against king Hen|rie, which was then inuading France (as yée before haue heard.) Perkin thought himselfe aloft, now that he was called to the familiaritie of kings, and therefore with all diligence sailed into France, and comming to the kings presence,Perkin [...]|leth into France [...] af [...]ant was of him roiallie receiued, and after a princelie fashion interteined, and had a gard to him assigned, whereof was gouer|nour the lord Congreshall: and to him being at Pa|ris, resorted sir George Neuill bastard, sir Iohn Tailor, Rowland Robinson, and an hundred Eng|lish rebels. Now, after that a peace (as before is said) was concluded betwixt the French king, and the king of England, the French king dismissed Perkin, and would no longer kéepe him.